Excellence and Equity in Community College STEM Award

An Aspen-Siemens Partnership
The Excellence and Equity in Community College STEM Award, awarded every two years, recognizes community colleges that deliver excellent technical education and connect students with STEM careers that lead to economic mobility—no matter their race, ethnicity, family income, or gender. The award, a partnership of the Aspen Institute and Siemens Foundation, celebrates exceptional programs and elevates effective practices from the winning programs so that leaders and practitioners throughout the community college sector can learn from career and technical programs that advance equitable student success.

Siemens Technical Scholars

Past Winners

Selection Process

This award aims to:

Identify and elevate strong community college STEM programs that are delivering excellent technical education and broadening talent pipelines to high-wage, high-demand jobs. Eight winning programs receive $50,000 each for program development and student scholarships.

Recognize and support diverse students, known as Siemens Technical Scholars, who are excelling in community college STEM pathways. Siemens Technical Scholars are chosen from within each of the eight award-winning community college programs and serve as ambassadors for STEM education and careers.

Research and share effective practices from winning programs. Insights from this research are compiled into open-source tools and resources for community college leaders and practitioners. Explore these and other workforce education resources here.  


Blog: Opening Doors to STEM—For All Students
2018 SIEMENS-Aspen Community College STEM Award
2015 Siemens Technical Scholars
The Excellence and Equity in Community College STEM Award is made possible by generous support from the Siemens Foundation.
Contact us for more information.
Tess Henthorne, Senior Program Manager