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Creating Outreach That Works

An interactive activity to allow college staff to practice drafting effective messaging to unemployed, underemployed, and opportunity youth populations. Use in conjunction with “Outreach and Messaging to Underrepresented Populations: Tools and Resources.”

From College to Jobs: Making Sense of Labor Market Returns to Higher Education

This report summarizes key findings from recent research on links between higher education and the workforce. Featuring eight brief papers from leading education and workforce experts from around the country, the report offers practical advice for institutional leaders, policymakers, students and their advisers about how to use the increasingly available information on the economic value of higher education.

Using Labor Market Data to Improve Student Success

Community Colleges have a unique opportunity to help students acquire the skills they need to land good jobs with strong wages. One strategy that can help colleges fulfill that goal is to analyze available data to inform alignment of their educational programs to labor market needs and measure the labor market outcomes of their graduates. This guide explains how colleges can improve graduates' labor market success, offering concrete examples and describing six data sets that colleges can use today.