Education Dive: How to build a dual-enrollment program that works for all students

Education Dive: How to build a dual-enrollment program that works for all students

Higher Ed Dive
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Focus Areas
Equity Access
College Type
Community Colleges

Education Dive highlighted a new report co-authored by the Aspen Institute's College Excellence Program and the Community College Research Center, which synthesizes lessons learned from nine dual enrollment programs across three states to illustrate the ways in which community colleges can use such initiatives to support underrepresented students of color and help close equity gaps.

Nine dual-enrollment programs that have strong outcomes for underrepresented students of color offer lessons to other community colleges hoping to achieve the same, according to a new report from The Aspen Institute and the Community College Research Center (CCRC). Researchers found common elements among the programs, including that they evaluate equity gaps and set goals to close them, advertise to communities of color and proactively support struggling students.  The report's takeaways may be especially relevant during the pandemic, which threatens to expand equity gaps in higher education and diminish community college enrollment.