State & System Engagement

Aspen partners with states and higher education systems to deliver professional development for college presidents, trustees, institutional leadership teams, and mid-level leaders on improving student outcomes. Our extensive curriculum, data reports, and assessment tools form the basis of customized programming that varies from a single day to multiple days over several years.


Aspen partners with state and system leaders to provide training for institutional leaders on how to advance student success and develop the institutional capacities needed to enact scaled and sustained reforms. We deliver virtual and in-person programs for presidents, their trustees, leadership teams, and mid-level leaders using research from the Aspen Prize process, Aspen’s playbooks and publications, and other research. Curricular modules span six student success strategies (access, completion, transfer, workforce, teaching and learning, and equitable outcomes) and six capacities (senior teams, boards, strategic finance, human capital, data use, and implementation systems). Programming is customized with state and system partners to align with their goals, contexts, and audiences. Our state and system engagements are designed to lead to practical reform strategies and plans, including presentations from Aspen Senior Fellows and other field experts and group activities centered around data analysis, qualitative assessment results, and guided questions and discussion.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact: Millicent Bender, Director, Curriculum