Focus Areas


In every sector of higher education, fewer than two-thirds of students who enroll complete a credential. Students who graduate are more likely to receive the full benefits of a higher education degree or other credential and less likely to struggle to repay college debt. The Aspen framework encourages institutions to help students develop clear educational plans tied to a program of value, advise students through program completion, and assist students through academic and non-academic supports such as tutoring, financial aid and grants, and other wraparound supports. Since Aspen began the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the national three-year graduation + transfer rate for community colleges has increased by over 12 percentage points—an upward trajectory that our program aims to help continue. By focusing on completion, colleges can ensure that students not only start their educational journey but also finish it with the qualifications needed to succeed in life after college.

About our Assessment Tools

The collection of assessment tools allows colleges and their leaders to see how their practices align with the strong institutional practices our research shows lead to high and equitable levels of student success. The results will allow colleges to see big-picture areas where they may need to invest additional strategic effort, in addition to identifying strengths and weaknesses in particular practices. See below for a full list of our assessment tools, including those that are available for open access use.

Measures of Student Success