Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence

The $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence is the nation’s signature recognition for America’s community colleges—as one U.S. president called it, “basically the Oscars for great community colleges.” The Prize is rooted in deep research into colleges that achieve excellent and improving student outcomes, uncovering models of excellence that Aspen shares with the field and embeds in our professional development programs.


The $1 million Aspen Prize – awarded every two years – recognizes excellent community colleges that achieve high and improving levels of student success in several areas, including teaching and learning; certificate and degree completion; transfer and bachelor’s attainment; workforce success; and college and program access. Prize winners and finalists are selected based on three rounds of intensive data analysis and qualitative research by independent experts and selection committees. The effective practices and models of excellence uncovered during the Prize process are shared with the field through open-access assessment tools and publications, conference presentations, and an extensive set of professional development programs, including Aspen presidential fellowships and Aspen’s state and system partnerships.  The Prize is supported by Ascendium, the Joyce Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, and JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Applications Closed

Candidates to apply for the 2027 Aspen Prize will be determined at a later date.

Finalists Announced

The finalist institutions for the 2025 Aspen Prize have been announced! These colleges represent the amazing potential of America’s thousand-plus community colleges as engines of prosperity and social mobility.

Aspen Prize Cycle

The 2025 Aspen Prize cycle began in October 2023 when the Aspen Institute invited 150 community colleges to apply, based on data showing strong and improving student outcomes in key areas such as retention, completion, and transfer. Read more about the data model and see the list of 150 eligible colleges below.

2023 Aspen Prize Winners

Winners / $500,000 Award
Amarillo College (TX) 
Guided by a commitment to “love students to success,” Amarillo increased completion rates and delivered more students into good jobs with high salaries.

Imperial Valley College (CA) 
Imperial Valley built a college-going culture in its region, starting with deep K-12 partnerships and continuing on to clear pathways to job-ready bachelor’s degrees.

Winners and Finalists by Year

Selection Process

To award the Aspen Prize, the College Excellence Program engages in a rigorous two-year-long process, beginning with an assessment of student outcomes at over 1,000 U.S. community colleges and inviting 150 to apply for Prize consideration. From the applicant pool, a selection committee chooses 20 to 25 semifinalists and then 10 finalists, from which a prominent Prize Jury selects the winner. Throughout the process, Aspen and higher education experts analyze a range of quantitative data, evaluate detailed applications from colleges, and interview a wide range of stakeholders at colleges.


The Aspen Prize is made possible by generous support from:
The Joyce Foundation
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Kresge Foundation

Contact Us

For more information, please contact: Rebecca Lavinson, Program Manager