Dr. Sharon Morrissey joined the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) in 2014 as Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Workforce Programs, overseeing initiatives to boost student success across Virginia’s 23 community colleges. Her efforts included redesigning statewide transfer pathways, realigning student onboarding and advising, and implementing direct enrollment with co-requisite learning supports. Dr. Morrissey also played a key role in developing the G3 college promise program, providing last-dollar tuition grants for low- and middle-income students in high-value workforce programs. Additionally, she co-chaired the VCCS strategic planning task force, creating Opportunity 2027, a six-year plan focused on achieving equity in access, learning, and success for students of all backgrounds.
On July 1, 2022, Dr. Morrissey was appointed as Interim Chancellor for the VCCS. As the chief executive officer of the System, she reported to a fifteen-member Board and provided leadership for Virginia’s 23 community colleges in meeting the System’s mission of providing all Virginians with the opportunity to learn and develop the right skills so that lives and communities are strengthened.
Prior to joining the VCCS, Dr. Morrissey had a 26-year higher education career in North Carolina, where she served as the Executive Vice President for Programs and Chief Academic Officer for the North Carolina Community College System. Dr. Morrissey also served as President of Richmond Community College, Vice President for Instruction at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, and Vice President for Academic and Student Services at Fayetteville Technical Community College. She began her community college career as an English instructor at Central Carolina Community College.
After retiring in January 2024, Dr. Morrissey joined the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program as a Senior Fellow. Dr. Morrissey serves on the board of the National Student Clearinghouse and chairs the Clearinghouse’s Research Center board. She also serves on the Beyond Transfer Policy Advisory Board and is an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Education Leadership, Policy & Human Development at North Carolina State University.