Five Strategies to Advance Progress

Five Strategies to Advance Progress: 2023 Annual Report of the American Talent Initiative

Research Report
Focus Areas
Completion Access
College Type
Four-year Institutions

Since its launch by Bloomberg Philanthropies in 2016, the American Talent Initiative (ATI) has aimed to provide more low- and middle-income students with access to high-quality college education. The importance of this mission is clear: a college diploma is a key to social and economic mobility. Yet, many high-achieving, lower-income students don't apply to or graduate from the top colleges and universities where they are qualified to attend. To address this challenge, ATI has brought together U.S. colleges and universities with the highest graduation rates that are committed to enrolling and graduating more low- and moderate-income students. Released in Spring 2024, ATI's fifth progress update celebrates an additional 18,100 Pell students at member institutions and reports on successful strategies to meet ATI’s mission.

ATI’s prior year annual reports can be found here on the ATI website.