Community College Transfer

Preparing students for transfer to bachelor’s degree programs is a key component of community colleges’ core mission. Yet the transfer process often fails to serve students. While most students who begin community colleges intend to get a bachelor’s, few actually do. Aspen supports leaders of community colleges and four-year institutions in improving transfer student outcomes through qualitative and quantitative research, convenings, and curricular resources.

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Current Transfer Initiatives

Transfer Playbook and Tracking Transfer

Transfer Intensive

Transfer Scholars Network

Past Transfer Projects

Tackling Transfer: Supporting Effective Practice in 3 States

Transfer Workshop Convening Guide

Talent Blind Spot: Research from the American Talent Initiative


Transfer Students at a Glance
Insider Higher Ed: Articulation Agreements Are Just a Small Part of the Answer
Responding in the Moment: How to Build a Better Transfer System
RealClearPolicy: Don’t Let Transfer Students Waste Time and Money
Tackling Transfer: A Guide to Convening Community Colleges and Universities to Improve Transfer Student Outcomes
Tracking Transfer: New Measures of Institutional and State Effectiveness in Helping Community College Students Attain Bachelor’s Degrees
Transfer Playbook: Essential Practices for Two- and Four-Year Colleges
Chronicle of Higher Education: These 2-year and 4-year college partnerships keep students from falling through the cracks
Our work on transfer is made possible by generous support from
Ascendium, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, College Futures Foundation, ECMC Foundation, John M. Belk Endowment, Joyce Foundation, and the Kresge Foundation.
Contact us for more information.
Tania Nguyen LaViolet, Director