Preparing students for transfer to bachelor’s degree programs is a key component of community colleges’ core mission. Yet the transfer process often fails to serve students. While most students who begin community colleges intend to get a bachelor’s, few actually do. Aspen supports leaders of community colleges and four-year institutions in improving transfer student outcomes through qualitative and quantitative research, convenings, and curricular resources.
Community College Transfer
Current Transfer Initiatives
Transfer Playbook and Tracking Transfer
Transfer Intensive
Transfer Scholars Network
Past Transfer Projects
Tackling Transfer: Supporting Effective Practice in 3 States
Transfer Workshop Convening Guide
Talent Blind Spot: Research from the American Talent Initiative
Transfer Students at a Glance
Insider Higher Ed: Articulation Agreements Are Just a Small Part of the Answer
Responding in the Moment: How to Build a Better Transfer System
RealClearPolicy: Don’t Let Transfer Students Waste Time and Money
Tackling Transfer: A Guide to Convening Community Colleges and Universities to Improve Transfer Student Outcomes
Tracking Transfer: New Measures of Institutional and State Effectiveness in Helping Community College Students Attain Bachelor’s Degrees
Transfer Playbook: Essential Practices for Two- and Four-Year Colleges
Chronicle of Higher Education: These 2-year and 4-year college partnerships keep students from falling through the cracks
Our work on transfer is made possible by generous support from
Ascendium, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, College Futures Foundation, ECMC Foundation, John M. Belk Endowment, Joyce Foundation, and the Kresge Foundation.
Ascendium, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, College Futures Foundation, ECMC Foundation, John M. Belk Endowment, Joyce Foundation, and the Kresge Foundation.
Contact us for more information.
Tania Nguyen LaViolet, Director