Focus Areas

Dual enrollment participation

Service area high school population

The number of students in dual enrollment classes by high school and by student subgroup. Colleges should compare (1) the percentage of dual enrollment students from each subgroup at each high school versus the percentage of all students by subgroup at the same high school and (2) the percentage of dual enrollment students from each subgroup at the college versus the percentage of non-dual enrolled students at the college by subgroup.


Dually enrolled students represent a large and growing proportion of U.S. community college enrollments. These metrics enable college leaders to identify the number of high school students participating and the differences in groups of students benefiting from these programs. Nationally, enrollment in dual enrollment programs is inequitable. 25 Colleges that have strategically enrolled diverse high school students in dual enrollment courses have seen increases in the percentages of dual enrolled students who enroll at the community college after high school.

Data Disaggregation

While college leaders will find value in collecting data on all students, consistently disaggregating data whenever possible can reveal outcome disparities. This information is essential for colleges developing strong reform plans to improve and close disparities in student success.

  1. Race/ethnicity
  2. Gender
  3. Family/Personal Income
  4. Age
  5. Parent/Dependent status
  6. Attendance intensity
  7. First-generation status
  8. Veteran status

Students may identify with one or many of the above identities. College leaders should consider how these different identities intersect and pay close attention to these relationships and how they may influence each student’s experience.
