Felicia Ganther

Felicia Ganther

Bucks County Community College

Newtown, PA
United States

Aspen New Presidents Fellow

Felicia Lorraine Ganther hails from Los Angeles, California. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Norfolk State University in Virginia. She also holds a law degree from the University of Illinois’ John Marshall Law School as well as a doctorate in community resources and development from Arizona State University. For more than 25 years, Ganther has served in various capacities at both the university and community college levels. She currently serves as president of Bucks County Community College. Prior to July 2021, she served as the associate vice chancellor/chief student affairs officer for the Maricopa County Community College District.

Ganther is a passionate and charismatic leader who is driven by the thought that she may be the first, the last, or the only person that can make a difference in whether a student reaches their personal and/or professional goals. This student-anchored focus provides the platform for how she engages, communicates, and leads. She is a servant leader who builds relationships, listens to, and incorporates the voices of everyone. Ganther is emotionally present for and with people, finding meaningful ways to positively impact their lives and/or contribute to their efforts.

Her passion and purpose were evident in her first year as president of Bucks as she led the college through a successful re-accreditation process, instituted a DEI Advisory Board to improve relations with communities of color, closed a $7.5 million dollar budget deficit, and made history by raising and securing the highest number of grants and donations for the college in one year. Programmatically, her passion has led to the creation and development of regionally and natinally recognized programs for minority males, foster youth, basic needs, and veteran services that aim to ensure underserved students have the opportunity to realize their dreams through community college.